Saturday, June 3, 2006









I live in a PINK WORLD with BLUE AURA'S. It is said I have healing powers.
I heal your inner being. The parts you think are no longer their. I see the goodness
in you no matter what you think you are. I bring a roaring fire to you,blazing to
the hottest points. I bring a Passion into your world that makes you feel you'll
drown in it. I bring a peace to you ,a calming effect you hunger for constantly!
I bring a warmth to you that surrounds you with the feeling of love and content-
ment you hunger for.I bring passionate desires to you ,you grasp to hold onto
to keep you in ecstacy. I bring beauty into your soul you strive to hold,
to capture for your eternity. I bring you a light of warmth you cannot go without.

I am me,I am all you  will ever desire,crave,need,want,charish, to fullfill
In order to keep me,you must not contain me in any maner,you must let me
fly free to keep being me.

If you try to change,bind,restrick,confine,redisign,
me in anyway,the lonlyness within you will eat you a live to your very soul!!

You will live in true emotional pain for the rest of your days,and your nights
will be never ending to you,and your dreams will be full of you reaching out
to grasp me to you, only to find I have slipped away.......I wasn't really
their after all.

Gone, but for the painful longing within your every fiber
of your being....the feeling I am their all around you, within you,life will
become dark cloud s of  memories of illusive meanderings through out
your very mind.

This I promise,for I am LOVE to the TENTH DEGREE!!!!

There are those of you who have tried to keep me souly to YOU,and PAYED the
PRICE. I to pay a price,small compared to yours. Deep sadness is my price.For
the moment, untill someone moves in to capture me again,to which I move on
willingly, hoping you have learned, to RISK, TRUST,BELIEVE in you, to hold
the very essense of me.

I am LOVE for all to drink in their fill,to wrap themselves in,to emerse your very
soul in! I am LOVE, to be felt,lost in,consumed by,to wrap yourself in as needed!

I am the ALL of ALL you will ever DESIRE!! Let me be free, and I
will always be with YOU!

Risk! Trust! Believe!!


(c) COPYRIGHT 2006


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